The Loft
The Loft
3770 Curtis Blvd.
Suite 708
Port St. John, FL

We believe that Quality Salon services start with Quality People and at The Loft the People are what makes us “A Step Above”.

About products
Q. Why use Professional hair Products?
A. While not all non-professional products are bad, you do run the risk of choosing a product that could cause problems like build up, dryness, breakage, color fading, lifelessness, frizziness and a host of other problems. That means that if you choose to use a non-professional product, you should monitor your hair closely to look for any adverse affects. Also, keep in mind how much you are spending. Many non professional products cost as much or more than professional. Though you can save money purchasing non-professional products, it doesn’t make much sense to spend as much on a non-professional product as you would for a guaranteed, professional product. Also you just spent your time and money paying a professional to give you the results you want why not trust that same expertise when choosing hair care products.

Q. Isn’t the salon product I buy at a grocery store, drugstore or on the internet the same thing?
A. Maybe, maybe not. The products found in grocery stores, drug stores or on the internet are either diverted, stolen, old, tampered with or counterfeit. The only way to guarantee professional salon product is genuine is to buy it at a professional hair salon or beauty supply where professional salon services are offered.

Q. Is it Safe to use products purchased from these outlets?
A. It’s difficult to say. Independent lab tests conducted by FOX News on bottles purchased from a variety of mass retailers and grocery stores found enough bacteria that would make the user sick enough to require medical attention.

Q. Why use professional hair color and why does it take longer than when I do it at home?
A. As professionals we formulate color that is specific for your hair. Color, type and condition are all variables that we consider when formulating color for your hair. It may take longer but you can know that your end result is guaranteed by a professional that is committed to exceeding your expectations and this is something you simply can’t get from over the counter products.
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